The Vision, the official magazine of the South Texas District of the United Pentecostal Church International carried an article by Brother David Bernard in their November/December 05 issue recommending to their readership our book
Upholding Our Future Hope: An Apostolic Response to Preterism.We thank God for what He is doing.
What others have said:The belief in the soon coming King was a significant part of the gestalt of beliefs that led to the rise of Pentecostalism. Early Pentecostals were convinced they were living on the cusp of the coming of the Lord and this belief provided added motivation to live their lives fully committed to the Gospel. This book takes a fresh look at the importance of the coming of the Lord in the life of the church. I trust it will renew our committment to the coming King. Rev. Robin Johnston
Vice President, Gateway College of Evangelism
Director, The Center for the Study of Oneness PentecostalismApostolic Bible Institute commends Brother Jorge Medina for his scholarship in writing this book which reveals the error of the false doctrine of Preterism. It is a work that we will include in our classes on end-time prophecy.
Rev. Gerald F. Grant
President, Apostolic Bible Institute
St. Paul, Minnesota
Pentecostal Publishing House has also been marketing the book agressively in all their mailouts to members of the
Pentecostal Book Club and in ads placed in different magazines within the Apostolic community.
The book can be obtained at (click the title of this message) or•••