Mark your calendars for April 25 and 26, 2008
Our Defenders of the Faith Conference is not designed for the shallow Christian, but rather for the soldiers of the Cross that want to make an impact in their generation. Those that want to deepen their knowledge of the Word of God and become skilled in the use of the Sword of the Spirit are encouraged to attend.
Friday, April 25th, 2008 - 7:30pm
"Nobody Left Behind"
G. Jorge Medina
Founder & Director of the Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine
Authored and compiled the Word Aflame Press published prophecy book Upholding Our Future Hope: An Apostolic Response to Preterism
"How Close Are We To The End?"
Dannie Hood
Evangelist and Prophecy Teacher
A multimedia session outlining the accelerated fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the endtime.
Brother Hood, along with Brother Lee Stoneking, taught a prophecy conference in Houston's Astroarena the year 2000, ministering to thousands of Apostolic Pentecostals. Untold numbers received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Saturday, April 26th, 2008 - 6:00pm
"Why I Left Islam"
Brother Farhad
Ex-Muslim converted to Oneness Pentecostalism
A multimedia session revealing Islam's secret agenda. Find out why this insider asked us not to use his last name.
And later on in the night...
"The Unstoppable Advance of the Oneness Message"
Trinitarian ministers are being baptized in Jesus' Name by the hundreds all over the world. Find out what God is doing and why so many are forsaking their Catholic and Protestant traditions for the revelation of the Name of Jesus.
DVDs, CDs and books on these subjects will be available at the conference.
Place: Mundo Pentecostal sanctuary, 1008 S. Main Street, Pasadena, Texas 77506
Cost: $10 per person
More info: faithdefenders@hotmail.com
or call Mary Mendizabal at 832-755-1775