Friday, September 03, 2010
New Podcasts: The oil spill and God, Proposition 8, etc.
Defenders of the Faith Podcast
"Global Warming," the oil spill and the "green" movement. Could man destroy God's creation? Is God's Earth so fragile?
To listen to the podcast click HERE.
Proposition 8, the courts and the homosexual agenda. Refuting the Top Ten Reasons for same sex marriage.
Listen HERE.
Mormon missionaries knock at your door to try to prove to you that unless you are a Mormon you belong to an apostate church. How do they handle it when the tables are turned? Why should we believe the Book of Mormon is from God in the first place?
To listen to the podcast click HERE.
Discerning the Endtime Culture. Standing against the culture of death and immorality in society should be a bold, Spirit-filled church.
Listen to this all-important message HERE.
global warming,
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
DVD – The Antidote to the Infiltration ~ Philip Harrelson
Bilingual DVD Video (English/Spanish) "The Antidote to the Infiltration"
False doctrines have infiltrated the Apostolic church. Many, including whole congregations, are being led astray in these end times.
In this study, given at the Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine in Houston, Texas, Philip Harrelson, an expert on the expository preaching of the Word of God and a member of the Apostolic Theological Forum, shares the antidote to the infiltration of wolves in the sheepfold.
$12 plus $3.50 for shipping & handling.
Order this important resource by clicking on the button below:
Bible study,
end times,
Friday, May 28, 2010
Podcast: Conversation with Mormon Missionaries
Some time ago we had a chance to talk to a couple of Mormon elders that came to our door. We talked about changes in the Book of Mormon (of which they were not aware), and they tried to tell me about changes in the Bible and supposed missing books. In the end, the conversation centered on the question: If the Bible already contains the fullness of the Gospel message, why would we need the Book of Mormon? To this, of course, they had no good response.
To listen to the podcast click on this link. To receive future podcasts automatically, please subscribe to the Defenders of the Faith podcast by clicking on the podcast button.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Acquittal
In a faraway place and a different time
I killed my first child, a most heinous crime.
The state didn't come, and I didn't stand trial.
Judge Blackmun was calm when he said with a smile,
"Killing is legal, say we the High Court.
But we don't call it murder. Just call it 'abort.'"
The judge in my heart would not let the case rest.
I had no defense when once put to the test.
Found guilty I was by my heart's Supreme Court.
"You murdered your baby!" they screamed in retort.
With tears on my cheeks it was too late, I knew,
To bring back the life of the child I once slew.
The gavel slammed down, and it rang in my head,
"You are guilty as charged, and deserve to be dead."
"We now give you torment to pay for your sin,"
Was the sentence passed down from my own court within.
"You will never escape. You're branded. Don't hide.
Your just due is death. You should try suicide."
I was beaten in prison by daily attack.
I was paying a debt, so I never fought back.
No hope of escaping, and this I knew well.
I cried out to God from my own self-made hell.
That day I met Jesus; He smiled in my face.
He said, "I forgive you. Come and walk in my grace."
"Lord, I believe you forgive me and yet,
Blameless you are, can you pay for my debt?
"And Lord, please don't touch me for I am unclean.
I'm filthy with murder, a most wretched being."
I poured out my story. He showed no surprise.
I gazed up with awe at the love in his eyes.
He said, "I paid for your crime, yes, was nailed to a tree.
There's no condemnation if you'll trust in me.
I took on your blame, and your curse on my soul
So you may be free without judgment, and whole."
I sputtered, "Dear Lord, where's the justice in this?
I killed my first son, and you offer me bliss?"
Tears blurred my vision, yet there in his face
Were eyes of compassion, blue oceans of grace.
I thought to myself, "Now the past has been buried?
I'm free of the guilt that for years I have carried?"
He said to accept. It's a gift that is free.
This is atonement, not justice for me!
My judge was dismissed; my accusers, and jury.
The truth of his love made them leave in a fury.
He smiled, "Walk with me and come learn my way,"
And grasping his hand, I began a new day.
-- Karen Sullivan-Ables
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dictionary: Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics = The subdiscipline of theology concerned with the study of the general principles of proper interpretation of biblical texts.
biblical interpretation,
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
T-shirt — Defenders of the Faith 2010
The Defenders of the Faith 2010 T-shirt, printed on both sides, is available for $15 plus only $3.50 for shipping & handling.
Important: Email us to faithdefenders(@) [without the parenthesis] to advise us on the T-shirt size you need.
Available sizes:
Youth: XS, S, M, L
Adult: S, M, L, XL, XXL
The FRONT shows the Shemá (Deuteronomy 6:4) transliterated from the Hebrew: Shemá Israel: YHWH Elohenu, YHWH echad.
The BACK shows the Defenders of the Faith 2010 shield in full color.
The T-shirt is available in 2 colors: Sport Gray and Stone Blue.
To order a SPORT GRAY shirt:
To order a STONE BLUE shirt:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Book: Vow of the Nazarite by Roger Perkins
From the Back Cover:
Does Scripture actually address issues such as one's hair, apparel and jewelry? Can obedience to God's Word really be considered bondage? What is the true meaning of a legalist? Is it consistent theology to practice and loudly proclaim certain portions of the Bible and then willfully disregard others? Did God's people ever wear wedding rings or make-up in the Bible? If not, from where do these practices originate?
I can tell you before you even read the first page that unless you have the devoted heart of a Nazarite you'll discard this book about a quarter-ways through. However, if artificially and worldly materialism isn't for you, then take heart, because this books is!
If you're going to read only one book on holiness this year. Make it this one. Great gift for those who do not understand the Apostolic, biblical, doctrines of separation from the world.
Vow of the Nazarite.
ISBN: 0-9764881-0-8
92 pages
$US 10.00
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Defenders of the Faith live video webcast
The Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine and Apologetics will be transmitted via webcast by Mundo Pentecostal Live!
(All scheduled times are based on Central Time. Transmission may begin at the scheduled time and not before.)
To watch the live webcast click here: Mundo Pentecostal LIVE!
[Infiltration = Sneaky penetration of a mistaken teaching into Christian doctrine. Surreptitious introduction into a church or organization in order to deceive and/or destroy. To gradually introduce ideas or doctrines into someone's mind with hostile or subversive intent.]
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matthew 7:15)
Friday, April 23rd, 2010 — 7:30pm
• Infiltration: Mixing the Holy with the Profane — G. Jorge Medina
• The Necromancy of the Church: An Egyptian Resurrection in the Church — Roger Perkins, Oneness Apologist and Debater
Saturday, April 24th, 2010 — 6:30pm
• Paganism in the Church: The New Spirituality — Dr. Jorge Mendizabal
• The Antidote to Infiltration — Phillip Harrelson, Apostolic Theological Forum member
Mundo Pentecostal Church
1008 S. Main St., Pasadena, Texas 77506
$10 per person / Under 15: Free!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
DVD - Why I am no longer a Muslim
Can a Muslim come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?
This bilingual (Spanish/English) study, part of the Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine explains the profound differences between Islam and Apostolic Christianity; between Mohammad and Jesus.
Having been raised as a Muslim, Brother Farhad knows firsthand the doctrines of Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an (Koran).
In this testimony of his conversion Brother Farhad compares scripture to scripture to demonstrate how Jesus is superior to Mohammad and how he came to believe that Jesus is the true God manifested in the flesh. The PowerPoint used is an invaluable tool to understand this religion.
$12 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling.
To order this DVD, please click in the button below.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Reasons to avoid Planned Parenthood
Reason # 1 — Planned Parenthood = Abortion
Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas reported performing 7,915 abortions in 2008. On a national level, Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported performing 305,310 abortions in 2007.
Reason # 2 — Planned Parenthood Hurts Women
Houston's 9-1-1 records show at least two recent cases of women physically injured by botched abortion procedures at the Houston Planned Parenthood affiliate. Don't assume this won't happen to you or someone you love.
Reason # 3 — Planned Parenthood Experiments on Women
As of June 2008, a study conducted at the University of Michigan and published in The Journal of Immunology has indicated that "off-label use" of the controversial abortion drugs collectively called RU-48, may be linked to the death of at least eight women.
The FDA issued new warnings about the use of the pill, and rather than stopping its use of the pill altogether, Planned Parenthood has stated that it will merely stop its unapproved vaginal use of it.
In addition to altering the suggested dosage, Planned Parenthood urges women to take one of the drugs at home, disregarding the FDA's warning that the second portion of the pill regime "should be done in a medical office to monitor women for complications."
Reason # 4 — The aborted fetuses are used for stem cell research
Stem cell research is used as one reason abortion should remain legal. That is barbarism. Innocent members of society should not be destroyed to provide raw material for research on how to extend the lives of other members of society.
Reason # 5 — Planned Parenthood Condoms Received "Dead Last" Ranking
According to Consumer Reports condoms typically have a 16% failure rate. Planned Parenthood's condoms were ranked dead last in a recent review, with "poor" ratings in both strength and reliability... using them is asking for trouble.
Reason # 6 — They continue to misrepresent their morning after abortion pill to women calling it "Emergency Contraception," while failing to inform many clients that the use of this drug could produce an actual early chemical ABORTION.
Reason # 7 — The 14-year-old in this video is told by a Planned Parenthood employee to lie to a judge about her "boyfriend's" age. Her parents nor the police would ever find out about this situation as long as Planned Parenthood cashes in: View Video.
Reason # 8 — They celebrate their racist roots
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood wrote, "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," when describing her plans for The Negro Project. She also spoke for a woman's gathering of the Ku Klux Klan. Planned Parenthood gives an annual award in Margaret Sanger's honor.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
To heaven without holiness?
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14)
There is no (idea) so pernicious as this—that persons not purified, not sanctified, not made holy in their life, should afterwards be taken into that state of blessedness which consists in the enjoyment of God. Neither can such persons enjoy God, nor would God be a reward to them. Holiness indeed is perfected in heaven: but the beginning of it is invariably confined to this world.*
How shall we ever be at home and happy in heaven, if we die unholy? Death works no change. The grave makes no alteration. Each will rise again with the same character in which he breathed his last. Where will our place be if we are strangers to holiness now?
Suppose for a moment that you were allowed to enter heaven without holiness. What would you do? What possible enjoyment could you feel there? To which of all the saints would you join yourself? Their pleasures are not your pleasures, their tastes not your tastes, their character not your character. How could you possibly be happy, if you ahd not been holy on earth?
Now perhaps you love the company of the light and the careless, the worldly-minded and the covetous, the reveler and the pleasure-seeker. There will be none such in heaven.
Think you that such an one would delight to meet David, and Paul, and John, after a life spent in doing the very things they spoke against?
People may say, in a vague way, "they hope to to to heaven;" but they do not consider what they say... Heaven is essentially a holy place; its inhabitants are all holy; its occupations are all holy. It is clear and plain that we must be somewhat trained and made ready for heaven while we are on earth.**
* John Owen, Owen on the Holy Spirit, p. 575 (as quoted in Intoxicated with Babylon by Steve Gallagher).
** J.C. Ryle, Holiness, p. 56, 35. (as quoted in Intoxicated with Babylon by Steve Gallagher).
There is no (idea) so pernicious as this—that persons not purified, not sanctified, not made holy in their life, should afterwards be taken into that state of blessedness which consists in the enjoyment of God. Neither can such persons enjoy God, nor would God be a reward to them. Holiness indeed is perfected in heaven: but the beginning of it is invariably confined to this world.*
How shall we ever be at home and happy in heaven, if we die unholy? Death works no change. The grave makes no alteration. Each will rise again with the same character in which he breathed his last. Where will our place be if we are strangers to holiness now?
Suppose for a moment that you were allowed to enter heaven without holiness. What would you do? What possible enjoyment could you feel there? To which of all the saints would you join yourself? Their pleasures are not your pleasures, their tastes not your tastes, their character not your character. How could you possibly be happy, if you ahd not been holy on earth?
Now perhaps you love the company of the light and the careless, the worldly-minded and the covetous, the reveler and the pleasure-seeker. There will be none such in heaven.
Think you that such an one would delight to meet David, and Paul, and John, after a life spent in doing the very things they spoke against?
People may say, in a vague way, "they hope to to to heaven;" but they do not consider what they say... Heaven is essentially a holy place; its inhabitants are all holy; its occupations are all holy. It is clear and plain that we must be somewhat trained and made ready for heaven while we are on earth.**
* John Owen, Owen on the Holy Spirit, p. 575 (as quoted in Intoxicated with Babylon by Steve Gallagher).
** J.C. Ryle, Holiness, p. 56, 35. (as quoted in Intoxicated with Babylon by Steve Gallagher).
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