Friday, April 30, 2010

Book: Vow of the Nazarite by Roger Perkins

From the Back Cover:

Does Scripture actually address issues such as one's hair, apparel and jewelry? Can obedience to God's Word really be considered bondage? What is the true meaning of a legalist? Is it consistent theology to practice and loudly proclaim certain portions of the Bible and then willfully disregard others? Did God's people ever wear wedding rings or make-up in the Bible? If not, from where do these practices originate?

I can tell you before you even read the first page that unless you have the devoted heart of a Nazarite you'll discard this book about a quarter-ways through. However, if artificially and worldly materialism isn't for you, then take heart, because this books is!

If you're going to read only one book on holiness this year. Make it this one. Great gift for those who do not understand the Apostolic, biblical, doctrines of separation from the world.

Vow of the Nazarite.
ISBN: 0-9764881-0-8
92 pages
$US 10.00


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Defenders of the Faith live video webcast

The Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine and Apologetics will be transmitted via webcast by Mundo Pentecostal Live!

(All scheduled times are based on Central Time. Transmission may begin at the scheduled time and not before.)

To watch the live webcast click here: Mundo Pentecostal LIVE!

[Infiltration = Sneaky penetration of a mistaken teaching into Christian doctrine. Surreptitious introduction into a church or organization in order to deceive and/or destroy. To gradually introduce ideas or doctrines into someone's mind with hostile or subversive intent.]

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

Friday, April 23rd, 2010 — 7:30pm

• Infiltration: Mixing the Holy with the Profane — G. Jorge Medina
• The Necromancy of the Church: An Egyptian Resurrection in the Church — Roger Perkins, Oneness Apologist and Debater

Saturday, April 24th, 2010 — 6:30pm

• Paganism in the Church: The New Spirituality — Dr. Jorge Mendizabal
• The Antidote to Infiltration — Phillip Harrelson, Apostolic Theological Forum member

Mundo Pentecostal Church

1008 S. Main St., Pasadena, Texas 77506

$10 per person / Under 15: Free!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

DVD - Why I am no longer a Muslim

Can a Muslim come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?

This bilingual (Spanish/English) study, part of the Defenders of the Faith Conference on Apostolic Doctrine explains the profound differences between Islam and Apostolic Christianity; between Mohammad and Jesus.

Having been raised as a Muslim, Brother Farhad knows firsthand the doctrines of Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an (Koran).

In this testimony of his conversion Brother Farhad compares scripture to scripture to demonstrate how Jesus is superior to Mohammad and how he came to believe that Jesus is the true God manifested in the flesh. The PowerPoint used is an invaluable tool to understand this religion.

$12 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling.

To order this DVD, please click in the button below.
